Wellness Zone

Plus Cardio Care

May 03, 2024 Nikki Walton
Show Notes Transcript

I like to talk about our concept, our product philosophy. I can't tell you how many times distributors come up and say, why don't we have a multivitamin? Why don't we have a fish oil or vitamin C? We're not that company. We're never going to be that company. I never want to have a product. That you could compare to anything at GNC or Walmart. And I'm frankly, I love all of you, but I can't tell you how many times you come up with a hydration products, they compare to this or another detox or the zeolite and try to compare it to ours. There is no comparison. Our stuff is, especially in zeolites, we're the category creator on zeolites for a systemic detoxification. And The stuff we have really has no comparison. Certainly there's categories that it's in, but it really has no comparison. So our products are always going to be unique. They're going to be impossible to really source anywhere else. They're exclusive. to Avini. It's the only place you're going to get them. We use the highest quality ingredients, all natural ingredients, organic ingredients. We have proprietary manufacturing processes. And the coolest thing is we're completely vertically integrated. So we do everything. We formulate, we do quality control and quality assurance. We make the products, manufacture the products. We validate the products. We do stability trials. We do retains, right up to picking, packing, shipping. So from beginning to end, nobody else messes with your products. It's all in house. We're completely vertically integrated and that has a lot of benefits. It helps save costs cause we're not paying a third party to do anything. It's much quicker. We can get products made faster, better, cheaper, and out to you much better than any other company you've ever been with. And I've never, ever seen another company, that does everything. I work for Rexall showcase and Rexall sundown was their, parent company and did some of the manufacturing, but not all of the manufacturing. There was a lot of products. We actually had made from 3rd parties. So it's amazing that we do everything in house and we're vertically integrated. So when you really think about it, when you look at our product line, we have products that. Everybody needs when they hear about him. Everybody wants them. And this is the only place to get them. And that really is the core competency of our product philosophy. We have products. Everyone wants everyone needs. And this is the only place to get them. So when we're talking about products, extensions, we never want to have. hundreds of products. We're going to have a small product line, even as a fully mature company. But when Neil came to me last year and said, what's next? What do we need? I said, okay, let's talk about what people need. So let's look at the leading causes of death. So these are leading causes of death for 2021, which is the last year for which this stuff is available. And as always, Heart disease is a leading cause of death. Okay. Heart disease has been a leading cause of death for more than 60 years. Now, cancer is usually number two, stroke is usually number three, cerebrovascular, but we had COVID in 21. So COVID percent of deaths. And this happens all the time where something comes up. Like I remember when I did these lectures, back in the late 80s, early 90s, HIV. Was the 5th and 6th leading cause of death. So whatever it is that is the new thing in the moment pops up and because one leading cause of death, but by and far, by and large for the last at least 60 years, heart disease, cardiovascular disease has been the leading cause of death in the United States. Now, when we think of heart disease, you got to think of the heart. The heart is a muscle. It's a pump and its job is to pump blood around the body and it needs circulation to the heart. The large vessels around the heart feed blood to the heart that innervate that muscle, that feed that muscle and keep that muscle healthy. You also have nerves. that run to the heart that allow it to beat properly. You have a sinoatrial node that sparks. It's like a defibrillator and actually tells the heart when to be all right. Then you have the large blood vessels that feed blood and oxygen all over the body. And then you have the surface circulation, the small blood vessels that go to your hands, your feet and even your sex organs. So all of that blood is necessary. To be healthy and happy. All right. So when we look at, we think about heart disease, we usually think of arterial and atherosclerosis. So blocking the artery, clogging up of the arteries that feed the heart or stiffening of the arteries that feed the heart. And that's important too, because you need those arteries to be soft, supple and flexible. And I did this on stage. You imagine your heart is beating and that artery is laying across the heart. It's beating, beating, beating, because if your heart wasn't beating, it beats 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. If your heart wasn't beating, you'd be dead. And I had the audience say that about 20 times at conference. The fact is your heart is always working, it's always beating, it's using up a lot of energy, and that artery has to be smooth and flexible. Because if it's not, it'll be brittle, it can crack, it can feel, it can become inflamed, and it can actually cause a blockage. So when we think about that, this is normal over time. We used to think that atherosclerosis, the blocking of an artery, was a very, passive thing. Basically, a car, fat and cholesterol would just build up over time and form these blockages. But now we know it is a dynamic inflammatory process. where inflammation raises things like homocysteine and C reactive protein. And, the fat and cholesterol goes into the intima, the walls of the blood vessel, and gets covered over by smooth muscle cells. And then the body tries to protect it by calcifying it and calcium goes into there. So there's a lot of things that happen over time. But for the most of us, this process is. insidious. It's progressive and insidious. And over time, though, the average 50 year old man in the United States has at least one 60 percent blockage in the arteries around the heart. So this just shows how narrowing of those arteries chokes off blood supply. And you think about that. If you're choking off your blood supply, then you're not getting oxygen to where it needs to be. Especially if that's feeding the heart. you're losing that. So here we have a nice little movie. So this kind of shows as the fat and the cholesterol goes in the intima of the walls of the blood vessel and starts forming that fatty plaque. And smooth muscle cells start to form over it to try to protect it. But you see the, all the cells, the red blood cells, the nutrients are trying to go through. And on the leeward side, the high pressure side is thinner. And the far side gets fatter and fatter, heavier with smooth muscle cells and calcifications. Eventually, so much pressure builds up that you have a rupture. And when it ruptures, that's called a thrombosis. So now it completely blocks that blood vessel. Nothing can get past. If that blood vessel led to your heart, you just saw a heart attack. If that blood vessel led to your brain, you just saw a stroke. So that's, now we're talking about athero and arteriosclerosis. The other thing that we really talk about in aging populations is constant of congestive heart failure. That's when the heart itself doesn't function well as a pump. It's not pumping blood correctly. So this is damage to the heart muscle. There's lots of things that can lead to congestive heart failure. But if you're not pumping enough blood, you're not getting that blood around the body. It starts to pull around. It pulls around your lungs. It can pull around your legs, causing lymphedema, swollen feet and ankles and legs. And then the heart tries to make up for it. So it starts to pump faster. That's tachycardia. That caused more damage to the heart. Now, the thing about congestive heart failure is, that it's considered to be progressive, even though there's lots and lots of evidence that there are things you can do on a daily basis to prevent congestive heart failure and to even reverse it. And we're gonna talk about that too. Now, congestive heart failure is one of the only conditions that's actually staged by quality of life. So stage one congestive heart failure is really no symptoms. But if you took a test, if you took an angiogram, if you did a stress test, if you looked at, left ventricular ejection fracture and diastolic volume, you'd see differences and you can diagnose it as congestive heart failure. Stage two is when you're symptomatic. That's, you get winded when you walk a flight of stairs, you have trouble doing tasks. That's stage two. Stage three is actually defined as you cannot hold a job, which I think is wonderful. It's fabulous. I think some guys strive for stage three. So they say, I can't hold a job, but the fact is stage three congestive heart failure is considered, you cannot hold a job. And then stage four is a bed to bathroom existence. And as I said, most people consider that, congestive heart failure is a continual progressive condition. But we know that it's not, we know that we've actually seen reversal even with simple things like dietary supplements and nutrition. Now I'd said two, terms medical terms. I wanna explain. One is end diastolic volume. So after the heart pumps, it's trying to force as much blood as possible out of the heart and into the blood vessels. What's left in the, left ventricular ventricle is the end DTO volume. It's the blood left. before it leaves, that's left in the heart after it pumps. You want that to be as low as possible. If there's too much blood left in the heart, that's telling you the heart's not pumping well. And then you have the ejection fraction, which is how much actually gets ejected from the heart. So you want a high ejection fraction and a low end diastolic volume. This leads us to our concept of plus cardio care. And you guys are all muted, but I did pause for applause at the conference. So understand. I gave a little bit of a thanks. They see some applause. I did give a little bit of my background when I was on stage. And for those of me know that I did work for large companies that worked for a division of Rex all sundown. When I talk about products, the products I'm coming out with. for the most part already have a background. So groups of these ingredients, individual ingredients, of course, are well studied and well published. But groups of these ingredients have actually been studied in clinical trials that we conducted when I was with Royal Numico and when I was with Rexall Sundown. The whole concept here is I get a little annoyed when someone says they have a heart product and it's just CoQ10 or just Hawthorne, or just L Arginine. I say is it a heart product or a cardiovascular product? And I said, look, can we make one product that feeds the heart? It makes the heart a more efficient, It makes harder, more efficient muscle. It also helps innovate the heart. It provides the electricity of the heart to be able to beat properly. So it's proper rate and rhythm. It helps reduce atherin arteriosclerosis by clearing those arteries and helping them be more supple. And then lastly, it improves surface circulation all over the body, which improves circulation of hands and feet, reduces risk of deep vein thrombosis, DVT. It reduces risk Of lymphedema and swelling in the feet and ankles on it even improves sexual function because it improves surface circulation, even to the sex organs. So that's all about the entire cardiovascular system as they can. We make one product that does it all. And I think we did here with the plus cardio care. First, we have Co Q 10. You guys all heard of Co Q 10 and Co Q 10. Is a natural compound. You make a ton of it in your body and it's absolutely necessary for life. coq 10 produces. energy. It's actually part of the electron transport chain in the mitochondria. If you see what this picture, this is the cell membrane of the mitochondria, which are the little energy factories in all of ourselves. All of ourselves have mitochondria in it. Our heart muscle has 10 times the mitochondria in it that other muscles do. Why? Because your heart is always working. It's beating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Because if your heart wasn't beating, you'd be dead. And so you constantly need energy. You constantly need to make energy. And so if you feed the mitochondria, you're literally feeding the heart. And so CoQ10 is part of the electron transport chain allows us to make ATP, which is energy. And so if you get more CoQ10, you're actually helping. To create ATP and feed the heart. Something that's tragic, that's horrible is that many drugs for cardiovascular disease actually deplete CoQ10 from the body. Statin drugs are famously known to deplete CoQ10. So you take statin drugs to lower cholesterol and reduce risk of heart disease, and you're depleting CoQ10, which is absolutely necessary for cardiovascular health. So certainly if you're on a statin drug, you should definitely be taking a CoQ10 product. But this is just one of the ingredients. The plus cardio care. There's been tons and tons of research that show coq 10 improves heart performance, helps with cardiac enzymes, reduces oxidative stress, and actually helps with, rate and rhythm of the heart. Then we're gonna get to L citrin and l-arginine. So a lot of you have heard of l-Arginine. l-Arginine was actually the first. Functional food. It was in a product called the heart bar and had six grams of LRG. It was a huge amount of LRG. And one of the problems they found is when you take a huge dose of LRG, it actually greatly increases your risk for a herpes outbreak. So if you have herpes, and a lot of us have herpes that don't even know it, But a lot of large and we actually trigger a herpes outbreak. And you'll see that a lot of large and products are also those with lysine because lysine reduces the risk of a herpes outbreak. So everyone say you have to take huge amounts of our gene to be effective. And we found, or it's been found in research. that you don't need that much LR gene if you dose it with L citrulline. The two together actually help rebuild each other. So what do these do? These are what they call nitric oxide donors. So nitric oxide is, basically a neurotransmitter that relaxes your blood vessel, vessels, improve circulation to the heart and to the extremities and even to the sex organs. The concept that nitric oxide was neurotransmitted that did this actually, won the 1998 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. So a lot of people take nitric oxide for all sorts of things. If you ever saw someone, take a nitroglycerin tablet, that's what it was. They have an angina attack, they take a nitroglycerin tablet, that provides quick burst of nitric oxide, which relaxes the blood vessels. Just taking these amounts of Arginine will help actually, do the, that exact thing. Spike nitric oxide production, which actually relaxes the blood vessels and greatly improves circulation all over the body. And like I said, you don't need six grams of L Arginine. You only really need 400 milligrams of L Arginine with This l centrally and you see the cycle between the recycle nitric oxide cycle. You're constantly making nitric oxide and recharging each of these compounds. Then we have the amino acid touring. So touring is really interesting because it is an amino acid. What's going on? Can everyone see that? Looks like John's phone is writing on my screen. So the amino acid touring. is a, amino acid. It's not part of protein synthesis, but it is a free amino acid that's used in the car in the heart. It's used in the heart muscle, and it's also in and of itself has a positive in a tropic effect. It actually helps control the rate and rhythm of the heart. So taking taurine alone has been shown to improve, the function of the heart as a pump. This is one of my favorites, is sorbol palmitate. Sorbol palmitate is a fat soluble vitamin C. And I'll tell you, for a lot of reasons why it's so good. But, First of all, a lot of people think of vitamin C is an antioxidant. They take it because it is a powerful antioxidant. But vitamin C itself, the sorbic acid is water soluble. So whatever you don't use, you simply urinate out. You don't store vitamin C. A sorbopalmitate is a vitamin C attached to palmitic acid, which is a long chain fat. So now we've made this water soluble vitamin fat soluble, which means it gets stored over time and it get places of vitamin C never could before. In fact, it's been shown that solar palmitate alone has lowered risk of atherosclerosis by getting into those fatty plaques and preventing lipo oxygenation. So it prevents, free radical breakdown of, fatty plaques. So the other thing to understand is we take vitamin C as an antioxidant, but vitamin C is actually a cofactor in the production of collagen. Collagen is the triple helical protein that forms our hair, our skin, our nails, and even the walls of our blood vessels. So if you want strong, healthy blood vessels, you need vitamin C. vitamin C to do it. If you think about it, what is vitamin C deficiency is scurvy. And what happens when you get scurvy? Circulation goes down. You can actually bleed out, your skin thins, your hair falls out because you're not making collagen. So you need to make that collagen for healthy skin, hair, nails, and of course, your blood vessels. More vitamin C, especially sorrel palmitate, you're going to store that over time and get the best bang for your buck. Hawthorn berries have been around forever, and this is the first time And it was ever done a study where they saw a reversal of congestive heart failure. This was the N. Y. H. A. Stage two congestive heart failure study, with Hawthorne and just taking Hawthorne berries. They got over 600 patients from stage 3 congestive heart failure to stage 2. That's it. Just Hawthorne alone. It's got flavonoids, parathocyanidins. We've found it to have inotropic activity. It helped provide better heart rate and rhythm, improving blood flow and oxygen utilization. What annoys me the most is how this is ignored. In fact, I told a story where it just so happens in the late 90s, the congestive heart failure society meeting happened to be in Fort Lauderdale, which is right near my house. And so I say you're welcome. Let me go and see, go to the, meeting and see what they're talking about. And there were tons and tons of booths and talks about devices and drugs and surgeries. There was nothing about Hawthorne, and this study had just been published. And so I went to a couple of cardiologists and I said, what about this Hawthorne study? He goes, yeah, I saw it. It was interesting. I'm like, why aren't we talking about it? Everything you're talking about, all the drugs, all the surgeries, all the medical devices, all they do is slow the forward progression and slightly improve symptomatology. Nothing stops or reverses. congestive heart failure. And we have a study here that shows very clearly that just taking off the reverse congestive heart failure, why aren't we talking about it? And he goes you could have gotten a booth and you could have talked about it, but no one paid for a booth to talk about it. So that was, it felt like I got kicked, where, so it was horrible. They weren't talking about it, but. It's gotten more and more research and it is being talked about now. Like I said, eight clinical trials were on 632 patients showed absolutely against placebo control that, that it actually helps reverse congestive heart failure. And then there's more. We put breviscopine in there. Now we put a little bit of breviscopine in the trim science to actually promote healthy circulation and mental focus. But breviscopine is amazing. It's a natural extract from a flower in China, and it really helps promote surface circulation and oxygen delivery all over the body. and including into the heart. Grapeseed extract has long been used for cardiovascular health. It's got proactive cyanidins and flavonoids. It's, OPCs, I'll go mark for anthocyanidins. And so we know that it supports capillary action. That's the surface circulation. So pro provides a relief against lymphedema and, Circulation, the hands and feet beat extract has long been used. It's over 40 studies that show that beat extract can actually improve and maintain good blood pressure. And then selenium is a heavy metal. It has a narrow therapeutic range, but selenium is a cofactor in over 30 different metalloenzymes. It helps, regulate cholesterol production. It helps regulate thyroid hormones for metabolism. So just getting a little bit of selenium certainly helps promote healthy circulatory health. And of course, detoxilite. We have the zeolite, our micronized activated zeolite, as part of the product. Certainly it helps with superior antioxidant protection. And this is really important. I've talked about this before. The zeolite loves toxic heavy metals, sucks them up and moves them out of your body. But the zeolite also pulls in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, the healthy stuff. It just doesn't like it. So it doesn't hold on to it. That whole process is called cat ionic exchange. Cations are positively charged atoms, positively charged ions. And so what happens is a calcium will come in, and then, then a mercury will come in, the calcium gets kicked out because the zeolite likes mercury a lot more than calcium. But what that amounts to is what I call a shuttling mechanism. It shuttles the healthy ions around the body because as the zeolite pulls it in and kicks it out, it moves calcium, manganese, and phosphorous around the body where it can be better utilized. It also prevents these things. from attaching to stuff and causing things like claudications. So prevents calcium from sticking around a fatty plaque and calcifying the plaque by moving that calcium along. And we have seen great increases in cardiovascular health with people using the cell defender. So you can imagine if we're adding this to the cardiovascular product, we're going to see those same benefits. Now we do have studies. I talked about this before. Some of these ingredients, a good base of these ingredients were the part of formulation that we had back in Rexall, and we did a study back in 1996 using ultrafast CT, and we saw an absolute reversal of atherosclerosis, utilizing things like a sorbopalmitate and taurine. So this was a 12 month study, and we actually saw a reversal of coronary artery disease. Additionally, some of these ingredients were used in a product that we had launched in 2000 that was for hospital use only. It was for congestive heart failure patients in a hospital setting. And what we found is that heart size decreased. People that had an enlarged heart due to congestive heart failure, the size increased. End diastolic volume fell and ejection fraction increased. And we do have an angiogram of this. And it's hard to see in this picture, but if you look at the left side, he has an ejection fracture at 31 percent and an end diastolic You see the size of the heart and you can clearly see the reduction in six weeks. Six weeks, a great reduction, about a 15 percent reduction in heart size. Ejection fraction is up 5 percent to 36 percent and diastolic volume falls to 170. You guys don't understand if you see, it doesn't look like a huge change. Nothing is supposed to reverse congestive heart failure. And this did it in just six weeks. We've seen it in patients in the hospital setting. So that is our plus cardio care. It's available now. We launched it over the weekend at conference and you have your Co Q 10, your large and L. Citrulline, your grapeseed extract, your sorbol, palmitates, lenium, Hawthorne, braviscopine, tory, detox and B powder in exactly the right amounts. The right, synergistic percentages to allow your heart to pump better, your heart to beat better, your surface circulation improve, which includes your hands and feet, but also your sex organs. People take it even to improve their sex lives. And your, large blood vessels, atherosclerosis. Everybody can benefit from this, but I would say that certainly if heart disease burns your family, if you currently do have heart disease, this is something you should take. And I'll just finish up with this saying that it is not contraindicated with any medications. It is not contraindicated with blood thinners. It's not contraindicated with any blood pressure medicines. It's not contraindicated with anything you already be taking for heart disease. But I will warn you, that it will make you healthier. And as you get healthier, if you are on medications, you should work with your physician to potentially lower your dose of medication or get off of them. Because it can be dangerous if suddenly you're on a bunch of blood pressure meds and now your blood pressure starts to stabilize and you continue to take those meds, your blood pressure could get too low. Or if you're taking something like digoxin or multac to stabilize the heart rate rhythm, and you're doing that already with this, you're going to find that, you really don't need to take those drugs that can be incredibly dangerous. So certainly, if you start taking this, talk to your cardiologist, talk to your physician about potentially monitoring you, monitoring your progress, and potentially getting off with some of those medications. So that is plus cardio care.