Wellness Zone

The Happiness Advantage

May 07, 2024 Nikki Walton
Show Notes Transcript

Good morning, everyone. And just really thrilled to be on another call. And I am. Oh, yeah, I guess I could say I'm the happiest I've ever been. That was a common theme of our event that we had in Las Vegas. And it was just fun going around talking to people. And that would be the conversation because that was a affirmation given to us courtesy of MJ Durkin. And. It fits right in with one of my favorite thoughts, which is the greatest joy you can have is giving joy to another human being. And just to carry on that theme, while we were down there walking around, often saying that to different people, my wife and I came up to a guy and he asked me, he says, What makes you happy? Why are you there? And, thinking in the context of greatest joy and with my wife right there, I said, I'm the happiest when I can make my wife happy. And I was actually surprised when he just matter of factly stated that you can't make someone else happy. You can only make yourself happy. And, There's some ideas about that. I think some of my favorite thoughts is the analogy. Are you a thermometer or are you a thermostat? The idea, do you act or do you react to other people? And that's one of the big things. In fact, a man's search for meaning It goes about this freedom to choose their own attitude in any given set of circumstances. And probably famously, one of the great ideas about that is Abraham Lincoln. He said that most folks are about as happy as they make up their mind to be. And this is, these are really good ideas to choose and make up your mind to be. That's a mindset. And if we can choose to focus on the positive aspects of our life, no matter what else is going around big or little or insignificant, as they may seem, these are all really good ideas to encourage us to, To have a mindset. One of the big things is just to always be grateful, looking for joy in the simplest things. But let's go back to this idea, though. Mindset, making up our mind to be as happy as we are, here's a thing that I think is really cool. When we go to an event like this, it gives us new ideas that can change your mind. And I love this thought of mindset. And if you look that up, your mindset is essentially, it's just a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world. And of yourself, everything around you, and having the right mindset influences everything about you, how you think and feel, how you behave in any situation, and having a good mindset, it just helps you have a meaning and purpose, who you can become. And another thing I think is really interesting is, this idea that a mindset, how quickly it can be shifted. And how powerful those consequences can be. And so going along this idea, our own mindset, we're as happy as we make up our mind to be. I've got a book, I almost didn't purchase it. I was at a bookstore years ago. And, the title of it is how to make people like you, how to make people like you. That sounds manipulative and self serving. In fact, the subtitle, how to make people like you in 90 seconds or less. And I started thumbing through it and my goodness, it's really powerful. I got the book really quickly and. It's just got some really good ideas that I'd like to share with you that I think is really important, and fundamentally when you look at this idea that, it says that the secret of success is not very hard to figure out. The better you are at connecting with other people, the better the quality of your life. And so this book essentially is just teaching you how to establish rapport, connecting with other people. And this can bring all kinds of possibilities, infinite result, rewards. And this idea in the book, it says that other people are your greatest resource. I'm going to go over to another book that, I bumped into back when I was in my 20s. And it really shaped me. This is a book that was written in the 1950s. And how you can have power and confidence in dealing with people by Les Giblin, I highly recommend that. But just the very opening in the preface, it talks about that every normal human being wants success and happiness. Now this is the thing I really love. He says, have you ever thought about the fact That other people play an important part in any real success or happiness that we enjoy. It is largely through our dealings with other people that we become successful. And regardless of what your definition of happiness may be, a little thought will convince you that your own happiness is largely dependent upon the sort of relationships you have with other people. And think about that. That is such profound. And so maybe going into this idea right here that, oh, golly, along that idea, we've all heard that, business is just, wow, business is people and people do business with people that they know and trust, and John Maxwell, he says it really fun, he says, everything being the same, people do business with people who they like and trust. Everything not being the same, people still do. Likeability has something to do with how you look, but it's a lot more with how you make other people feel. And that goes back to that book, How to Make People Like You. And you could, I suppose you could be using that manipulative, but if you're just open in your heart and sincere, because those are the aspects that I think are really important. And so I'm just going to open up the book just at the very beginning here. And again, I'm just going to say that, likeability has something to do with how you look, but a lot more to do. With how you make people feel. I think that is so profound, along that idea, how you look, one of the things I really like going back to Les Giblin, it says that, your smile, if you don't use a smile, it's like having a million dollars in the bank and you don't have a checkbook. So smile, that's really important. But going on with the book here. Yeah. It talks about, he says, my old nanny, who brought me up to be passionate about people, used to talk about having a sunny, and she said, and he talks about she would take him out on a promenade and would spot people who had sunny dispositions and all those who were sourpusses. She told me we can choose what we want to be, and then we'd laugh at the sourpusses because they look so serious. Hers, continue on. This is such a big deal right here. And I'd like to go back to that preface right there, how to get people to like you in 90 seconds or less. We've all heard this idea that you only get one chance to make a good first impression. And people size you up in probably less than 90 seconds, probably just in a few seconds. And this is really critical here. Likeable people give loud and clear signals of their willingness to be sociable. They reveal that their public communication channels are open. Embedded in these signals is evidence of self confidence, sincerity, and trust. Oh wow, self confidence, that's very attractive. Sincerity, important. A trust, wow. Likeable people expose a warm, easygoing public face with an outgoing radiance that states, I'm ready to connect. I am open for business. They're welcome and friendly and they get other people's attention. Wow. Wow. That's really good stuff. If that was all you got out of the book, that's so much of that. Just being, Open, and he talks about just the greeting, how you meet someone. Mentions, greetings are broken into five parts. One is your eyes, you beam, high, you lean a little forward. Open, the first part of the greeting is to open your attitude and your body. For this to work successfully, you must have already decided on a positive attitude that's right for you. This is the time to really feel and be aware of it. Check to see that your body language is open. If you have the right attitude, that should take care of itself. Here's something interesting. He says, keep your heart aimed directly at the person you're meeting. Don't cover your heart with your hands or arms, and if possible, unbutton your jacket or your coat. The eyes. The second part of the greeting involves your eyes. Be the first with eye contact. Look at this new person directly in the eye. Let your eyes reflect your positive attitude. To state the obvious, eye contact is real contact. And we need to get used to really looking at other people's eyes. Wow. Okay, beam. What does that mean? This part is closely related to eye contact. Beam. Be the first to smile and let your smile reflect your attitude. Now, you've gained the other person's attention through your open body language, eye contact, your beaming smile. What that person is picking up subconsciously is an impression, not as someone grinning, a gawking fool, that might be a fear that you have, but someone who is completely sincere. And then say hi, whether this is a hi or hello, or even yo, say it with pleasing tonality, attach your own name to it. Hi, I'm Naomi. As with a smile and eye contact, be the first to identify yourself. It is at this point and with only a few seconds that you are in a position to gather tons of free information about that person you're meeting, information you can put to good use or just enjoy the conversation. Take the lead. Extend your hand to the other person. And if it's convenient, find a way to say his or her name two or three times to help fix it in your memory. Not Glenda. Nice to meet you, but Glenda, great to meet you. Glenda, and then go along. This is really good stuff. I can't recommend this book enough. Just, building rapport. Again, so much of happiness is all about that. And let's go back to this idea. Okay, one, one thought is, only you can make yourself happy, but can we make other people happy? Can we really do that? Here's some good thoughts I like. I've got another book that's, I just love this book as well. And, it's all about influence and just being a leader. And he talks about this phrase, he says, I am the one and it's not about me. Now, that sounds like a contradiction. I'm the one and it's not about me. And it goes on. And so this is really cool. In fact, the book is the transformative leader, boldly declare, courageously pursue and abundantly achieve the extraordinary by Amir Gannad. Who I actually met him on an airplane, sat next to him and, had a good visit and bought his book, bought a lot of the books but it's really great that okay, I am the one and it's not about me. Here's the thing. We've heard this idea. If it is to be. It is up to me. And so you want to take responsibility that if something's going to happen, it's up to me. And yet, on the other hand, you don't want it to be all about you, where, which is not really attractive when people meet somebody and they're all into themselves. And so it's just really interesting dichotomy where you're thinking, okay, I got to make this happen. But I'm going to take that responsibility, but I'm not going to communicate that to other people. It's the team and supporting all of them. It's just such a wonderful idea. And I think that fits into this same idea. Can you make other people happy? What makes you happy? And I think that's such a, such an important thing to really realize and thinking about all of our lives. We all have influence, and John Maxwell talks about this idea that leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less, and if you look that up in the dictionary the definition is the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force that produces the effects on actions, behavior, opinions, essentially, it's changing. Things in leadership, it's changing people. And if you really come down to it that should be what we should try to do. We should try to make them happy. We should try to help them become more successful. Isn't that what a general or a CEO or a coach or any of those other people? They're trying to make people Become better than what they could be all in the idea that we're trying to do what's right. We're trying to do what's right for them. I love this thought about leadership and influence that and a great thrill is to see something wonderful that happened that maybe would not have happened, but by You're a good influence. And this brings to mind something that I heard long ago. And it just I think about this often. I read it often. And it's from a wonderful essay, The Majesty of Calmness by William George Jordan. And here we go. The only. Responsibility that man cannot evade in this life is the one he thinks of least, his personal influence. Man's conscious influence, when he is on dress parade, when he is posing to impress those around him, might be woefully small, but His unconscious influence, the silent, subtle radiation of his personality, the effect of his words and acts, the trifles he never considers is tremendous. Every moment of life he is changing to a degree the life of the whole world. Wow. Every moment of life is changing to a degree the life of the whole world. Every man has an atmosphere which is affecting every other. Silent and unconsciously is this influence of his life, this simply, the constant radiation of what a person really is, not what he pretends to be, everyone, by just mere living is radiating Sympathy, or sorrow, or morbidness, or cynicism, or happiness, or hope, or any of the hundred other qualities. Life is a state of constant radiation and absorption. To exist, excuse me, to exist is to radiate. To exist is to be the recipient of radiations. I love this. It fits into this idea that I just love, is to try to be. Good influence and I look at success as simply having a positive effect on someone else. How do you get better than that? I would say being more positive and greater impact on a larger number of people. And that's what gets me so excited. When I look at Aveni, I look at Aveni as a tool that can magnify a person's influence by sharing life changing products and through building a team and having that multiplying effect of what these products can do for people. And I've thought over and over again about this idea that all of us have this responsibility. Sobering responsibility, wonderful responsibility of how we have influence on other people. And hopefully it's mostly good. And hopefully we can become more and more conscious of that in every interaction so that we're actually trying to be a good influence. And I thought about something Sherry Du said to carry this to the very extreme that there's one thing. that the Lord and Lucifer have in common. They both want us to become like them. Oh my goodness. And so you could say the most successful person in the universe is the Lord. He's affected everybody most wonderfully. Who's the worst person? Made the biggest mess for the largest number of people. Hopefully we're more on one side. But here's a couple of other thoughts. Alan Lloyd McGinnis, I love this guy. He said that deep in the breast of everyone, There is a drive to achieve something, to be somebody, and therein is a wonderful entry point for the motivator. If you will tap into that drive and demonstrate that you believe in people's futures, they will do almost anything to live up to your expectations. Another place he says that the universe bends to those who are convinced that they are in the right place, doing the right thing, And when average people become zealous about the task before them, they are no longer average. Isn't that cool? One more. I just put some notes together because I love this idea of influence. There's a book and it's called Influencer, The Power to Change Anything. Oh, that's cool. It really is when you think about it. It says when a respected individual attempts a vital behavior and succeeds, This one act alone can go further in motivating others to change than almost any other source of influence. Think about that. How can you help other people succeed? I believe one of the most important things Is be an example, be successful at yourself. A lot of people will need to see you do it first. And, so that's a big thing right there. I mentioned earlier that your smile wow. If you're not using your smile, it's like having a million dollars in the bank and you don't have a checkbook I, I think about that this is this is one of the best skills and it can be worth more than a million dollars to you, and if you perfect it and practice it if you can get really good at it everything will change in your life. And I believe that's a lot of what we've been talking about also but then it's also asking so over, over 50 years ago, I was at a dance and I asked this pretty girl to dance. This altered my whole life in a really wonderful way because now she's my wife. Wow. Now here's the thought. I didn't ask her to marry me that night. I just asked her for a date later on. And one thing led to another. But going back to that, asking someone to dance or for a date, Or asking someone to take a look at a Vini can, it can be scary right at first, but it can also be dramatically life changing and oh my goodness the rewards could be absolutely amazing. Think about just what would, what difference would it make in your business if all of a sudden you had one more really good person in there not just in but actively doing something duplicating the good stuff. What a wonderful feeling and to know that you talk to them and they're excited and they're growing and they're making wonderful things happen and it's all unfurling and Lots of miracles are happening because people are being touched by the product. What a wonderful feeling to know that you're making things happen A difference. It's so amazing. So again look at Avini as the same idea that that was said by Archimedes give me a lever big enough and a fulcrum in which to place it and I can move the world and Aveni and the products, that's that lever and the fulcrum we can move the world and it just starts out one person talking to one person and Aveni, the whole idea is find three really good people and teach other people to do the same thing and they're probably not going to be the first three, but you just, okay Okay. Love everybody. And everybody counts just the same. It's such a beautiful concept because the whole idea and the strategy is to grow three great big roots and put as many people in as you can. And then long term, the strategy is to have as much balance as you can. With those and you can do that by actively continuing to sponsor people and you can do that by getting really good at being a positive influence and attracting people to what this is all about. And birds of a feather do flock together, and we're attracting some of the best, idealistic, good people who love amazing products, want to be healthy, and inside all of us if we're normal, we do want success and happiness we begin to understand that success and happiness ultimately depends on the relationships we have, and and Avini, here's an opportunity to actually learn the skills of good influence and to practice them and actually have not just the school but actually have the vocation that we can go into. And have hands on learning as we go and and earn as you learn. This is such a amazing situation that we're in. Wow AVENI is an opportunity, it's an invitation to discover a whole new mindset, a whole new world, and to live it every day. A M E Every day you can be your happiest and in your best form. And, wow the future the best way to predict it is to create it. Let's go do this. And got a little bit of time left if somebody's got some comments or ideas. And boy why not just go all out with this? I think we're happiest also when we're in the process of accomplishment. When we feel ourselves growing. So any thoughts star six? I got a thought, Dave, I get so much, but I can't help it. It's interesting when you started out with the I'm the happiest I've ever been, and then you develop that statement into the entire call today and so as you were listening, so that was the beginning. And then we got to the end and Dave approached ballot to dance and admittedly, that's scary and approaching people is scary. And I thought what's the easier, maybe the higher success rate version of that you have all the same aspects of what you already said. And that's when someone approaches you, then they find you doing and excited about what you've got. And I think one of the tricks is to talk with people and be in a conversation and come to the moment when they approach you. What do you do? What makes you excited? And that, from that point, then it's so much more easy and natural to move into all the things that we want to talk about. That's what I thought. Thank you. And it fits so much into what I've been talking about. When I met Valerie, I was instantly attracted to her. She had a sunny disposition. She was always positive. And I'd heard the idea that when you, Marry somebody. One of the most important things is find somebody that's happy not your thing. Oh, my job is to make somebody happy, of course but on the other hand, isn't it really shouldn't we do everything we can to make other people happy and a beanie fits right into that. But it's wow. To attract be attractive and yeah be open for business and we really are, and not just the people business, but we're in the people changing business. We're helping people become healthier and more productive and more, more confident and wealthier and healthier.