Wellness Zone

Plus Fiber - Fueled! | AVINI Wellness Miracle Product

Nikki Walton

When you heal your gut, your gut heals you.  Stabilize, detoxify, and fortify.  

Fiber is not food for you.  Fiber is food for your bacteria. 

“When we properly nourish our gut microbiota, we are rewarded with microbes that extract everything that we need from our food and nothing that we don’t, signal us when to stop eating so we don’t overdo it. and promote a natural metabolic balance that doesn’t require us to count calories in order to maintain a healthy weight.  A healthy microbiome makes it happen effortlessly….The gut is literally the largest endocrine organ in the body, deeply involved in securing hormonal balance." - Will Bulsiewicz, MD. MSCI


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The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated this product, which is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Good morning, everyone, and it's my pleasure to I work with Rick Deitch and this wonderful company Avening Health. And we've got some of the most important products that can change people's lives. And one of my favorite is Plus Fiber. And a lot of us have heard of fiber for so long, but this is not our grandmother's fiber. Ruffage, bulk. It does so much more than that. And so I'll just turn it over to Rick. You've got a lot of experience and this is one of your passions. I know. So how long have you been working with fiber, Rick? My whole life, when I was a kid, I had relatives that were remember the 70s. They were like the roughage generation, so they talked about whole grains and flaxseed and all that stuff. But when I started, my 1st job in as a nutritional biochemist was with rexal sundown and we had our number 1 product was ethylene. fiber product that lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar. And that was over 60 percent of our sales. That product was for that company like cell defenders for a Vini. And, we just taught and taught and taught about healthy fiber and what it can do for you. And all fibers not created equal, so that became a soapbox issue for me. Now, that was, some fairly serious volume, 60 percent of what, that's, we were doing just over 200 million a year. Yeah, so over a few years, that could be, maybe a billion dollars in fiber and that was based on a patent, that as long as it's expired, and we actually use that same patent and that's 1 of the reasons we put, sodium bicarbonate, basically baking soda in the fiber. Because it makes for a fluffier gel matrix, so it can hold more when it's going through the gut and into the digestive tract. Oh, wow. Let's go at the basics. Why do we need fiber? And is it, I know it is roughage, and that's an important thing to make things work. Is there anything else that it does? Let's go through everything. And are all fibers created equal? Oh, yeah. The problem is we have learned, or for some reason, second someone hears fiber, they think, oh, it helps you go to the bathroom. That's why you take fiber. That's only a fraction of what healthy fiber actually does in your body. And when people do take fiber, that's what they take it for. And they take a single source fiber, things like Metamucil, things that do help with digestive motility. But Think about where fiber comes from. You got fruits and vegetables, nuts and beans, legumes. You've got whole grains, oats and barley and all these things in different fibers do different things. Now, if you look at fiber as a concept, there's two basic families of fiber. And which family they're in tells you what function it has in the body. So there's, we see soluble and insoluble fiber. People mistakenly think soluble means water soluble and insoluble means water insoluble. No, it's not water soluble, it's acid soluble. What happens when that fiber hits the stomach, the strong acid? that's in your stomach. Okay. So when you think of soluble fiber, think about the fleshy fruits and things like that, that become kind of doughy when they get wet. That soluble fiber, when it hits the gut, it forms a gel fiber matrix. It forms this nice little matrix of fiber. And as it goes through in your intestinal tract, it traps food and traps bile acids. Now, bile acids are normally when they get, go into the digestive tract, they help break down your food. After they're done, they get reabsorbed in your bloodstream. They go to your liver and they're the building blocks for new cholesterol. So this concept of bile acid sequestration, trapping bile acids in the guts. And the gut lowers cholesterol because it removes that raw material so the body cannot make new cholesterol or it can make very little new cholesterol. So there's all sorts of bile acid sequestrations are actually given as drugs, as medications, and soluble fiber does that naturally. It lowers bile acids through bile acid sequestration. But it also traps your food. So normally when you eat your food, it gets absorbed pretty much all at once and your blood sugar spikes and you have all this energy. And then about an hour later, you're exhausted. And I talk about this on stage when everybody that has an office job right around 3 34 o'clock, you're passing out at your desk. You have that after lunch crash and you're looking for that candy bar in your lower right desk drawer. You're hoping it's someone's birthday and there'll be a cake in the break room. You have that. second or third cup of coffee in the afternoon to stay awake. If you take, certainly our fiber, but soluble fiber delays gastric emptying, which means it takes longer to absorb your food. So your blood sugar never spikes. It comes up slowly and stabilizes. That's called lowering postprandial hyperglycemia. I know it's a lot of big words and you'll yell at me when I use these words, but it just means that we're better controlling your blood sugar levels. So you have more energy. You're more focused. You get better value from your food because it's absorbed more slowly and your blood sugar comes down and your HbA1c comes down. So we've seen people with HbA1c and I'll take a step back. So HbA1c is hemoglobin A1c. It's glycated hemoglobin. It's sugar on your blood cells and You want your hemoglobin A1c to be under six. Less than six is considered not diabetic. Some doctors say between five and six is pre diabetes, but under six is good. Under six is good, especially if you have a low fasting glucose. But once it gets over six, you're diabetic, the higher it is, the worse it is. And it's a good measure for diabetes because your hemoglobin A1c completely turns over every three months. And so it's a good three month picture of your average blood sugar levels. And we've seen people with HbA1c as high as 15 get down to below six in just three months using the plus fiber. So we've seen people really get control of their blood sugar levels and turn it completely around. just with this function of soluble fiber, lowering post prandial hyperglycemia. So that's what soluble fiber does. Insoluble fiber is like a scrub brush through the gut. Think about celery. If you chew on a piece of celery, do you think anything is breaking that down? No, those fibers are fibrous. Insoluble fiber, and when they go through the digestive tract, they're scraping everything off along the way, and this is, there's this whole concept of auto intoxication where we have things that stay in the digestive tract that do not get broken down, that stick to the walls of our digestive tract. Things like gluten, one of the dangers of gluten is that a lot of us can't properly digest gluten, which are proteins from grains, and that sticky protein Gluten is gliadin. It's the sticky protein and grains allows you when you need dough and you if you've ever made bread and you need that dough that the sticky stuff that holds together is gluten. Okay imagine that in your gut, it's sticky in your gut. It doesn't get out. It starts blocking receptors. And so people that are gluten sensitive. Wind up sick all the time because they're, they have those blocked receptors. They're not absorbing food. It sticks when the gut tries to go undergo peristalsis, mus, muscular contraction, the gl, the glia and the gluten is stuck there. And the, you can't undergo peristalsis. The muscles get stuck because you have this sticky glue holding'em all together so that, that's what happens with gluten over time for people that are sensitive. But all that stuff sticks in the body. I'll tell you what a nerd I am. Okay I tell this story about cherries. If anyone's ever been young in this, on this call, if you've ever actually gone to a bar or a nightclub or even a party, and, there's a girl's party trick where they can take a cherry and they tie the stem in a knot with their tongue. Do that. What's that? Valerie can do that. Good for you. Okay. So it's a party trick, and it's supposed to be something that a girl does to impress a guy. So I was at a party and a girl throws a cherry in her mouth and sticks out her tongue and it's all tied in a knot. How impressive. I had to say, of course, as a biochemist, that do you know it's going to take you seven years to digest that cherry? And it's true. There are polysaccharides and maraschino cherries that we have no enzymes to break down. So what happens when you eat that cherry? Those that sugar those carbs spread along the walls of the digestive tract and sit there and they're slowly digested by bacteria over about seven years. So I remember being at a party and a girl said that and at the time she was like, 26. I said. So just to put that into perspective, the cherry you ate when you were 19 is just about finished. I didn't know that. But that's what happens. We have all sorts of stuff that kind of accumulates in our digestive tract over time, especially things we cannot digest, and especially sticky things like gluten and like polysaccharides. Insoluble fiber cleans that out. Insoluble fiber is a scrub brush. It goes to the digestive tract, scrubbing along the way, getting rid of this excess stuff, clearing you out and improving digestive motility. That's the stuff that helps you go to the bathroom. Okay. So you have bulking and things and, sequestration with inside with soluble fiber and scrubbing out with insoluble fiber, but you need both. And so if you're taking just one or the other, you're not getting the benefits of fiber. And we talk about having a high fiber diet. We're saying you should have at least 20 to 25 grams of fiber a day. The average American diet is between 10 and 12 grams a day. So I tell people to go from the 12 grams you're eating to the 20 or 25 grams you should be eating. You'd have to add about 22 heads of lettuce a day to your diet. Or 14 minutes fiber or 14 bananas with the skin. 14 apples with the skin on. And I'm serious about that. Cause my wife peels apples and the apple skin is the healthiest part of it. And she doesn't like the apple skin, but that's got all the pectin in it. It's got a lot of the healthy fiber in it. But if you're going to eat an apple, you want to eat the apple skin. And then of course they say 22 bananas with the skin off. So you don't want to eat the banana skin. But the point is. It becomes really difficult to get the healthy amount of fiber from your diet alone. And so that's why you need a fiber supplement. And so we wanted to make a fiber supplement that has all the benefits of those fibers you're not eating. So it has apple, so our Avene Plus Fiber, I got a canister with me, Avene Plus Fiber has Oat fiber. And oat fiber actually it's a, this is a good story. This is a good venue for these sort of stories. So in many cases, when you make claims on dietary supplements, you're only allowed to make something called structure function claims, which is the component or the compound that the supplement can only aid in the healthy structure and or function of a healthy body or body part. Just to explain that. So say you have arthritis in your knee. You can't say treats arthritis. You can say supports healthy joint function. You can say supports healthy joint structure, right? You can't treat a disease or a symptom of disease. You can only help something that's already healthy, still be healthy. by structure or function. Those are the laws around claims made on dietary supplements. But the FDA says if you have significant scientific support for a claim, you can ask them to make that claim. You're allowed to ask that. So many years ago, and this is the 80s and early 90s, several companies were asking about making claims on their products with significant scientific support, and the FDA kept telling them no. So they sued the FDA. And in a large case called Shalala versus Pearson, it went all the way to the Supreme Court and the FDA lost. because this was true. They gave him all the scientific support and the FDA kept saying, at what point is it enough support? You've got to tell us what you need to say. So that case allowed for things like saying oat fiber lowers cholesterol. That's why Cheerios commercials can say we lower cholesterol. Now, there's not a lot of old fiber in Cheerios, in a bowl of Cheerios, but they're legally allowed to say it lowers cholesterol because of Shalala versus Pearson. Fish oil for arthritis came from Shalala versus Pearson, so there's a lot of claims that we're allowed now because there's significant scientific support and the FDA lost in court. So we have old fiber in the plus fiber, which allows us to say lowers cholesterol. But there's other things there that naturally lower cholesterol. There's apple fiber. There's carrot fiber. There's we use a digestive resistant maltodextrin called fiber salt to with tons of published evidence. And then we also have England from chicory. Which acts as a prebiotic or probiotic. It feeds healthy bacteria in the gut. But I'll go over some of these and I, can I share some slides and stuff? Yes, please. Yeah, so I'll get a little deeper into all this stuff. But the big lesson is that we're not getting enough fiber from our diet. If you're going to have a fiber supplement, it should be natural healthy fibers that we should be getting from our diet. And it's in a fast form. And I'll tell this one story too. So in 2001, I was invited to a conference in Baltimore. It was called 10, 000 Steps to a Healthier US. Tommy Thompson was the head of health and human services. And one of the things that we're trying to get out there is that America has become sedentary. We don't move anymore. And if we did nothing else except take 10, 000 steps a day, it would greatly reduce our risk of heart disease and stroke. And so they were giving out pedometers all over the place. Even McDonald's was handing out pedometers, count your steps. Now all of us carry our phones, count our steps. And how common is it to say I'm getting my steps in? And all that really came from that conference in 2001. People today say I'm getting my steps in, they park a little further from the store. I'm getting my steps in, because that makes a difference. Just those extra steps every day, even just a brisk walk every day, lowers rates of stroke and heart disease. So at that conference, though, I wound up at a table. It was a big round table with about 12 people around it. And at my table was the head of the FDA. The Surgeon General of the United States who introduced himself at the time as a recovering surgeon. And I thought that was fantastic. Okay. Tommy Thompson, the head of health and human services. So I'm at this amazing table. I can only say I didn't take advantage that I should have being at that table with those people. I was just being me and trying to educate. One of the things we started talking about is healthy diet and whether vegetarian diet was healthy or not. And I can tell you reasons that a fully vegetarian diet is not the healthiest diet. But we started talking about fiber. And I said how it's not possible to get enough fiber from your diet alone. And I recommended fiber supplements, one that we actually manufactured. And there was a doctor at the table that said, That's ridiculous. Of course you can get enough fiber from your diet. I'm like do you get 25 grams of fiber? And he goes, absolutely. How do you do that? And he reached under the table and he pulled out a little red and white cooler and he opened up, it was full of all these kinds of beans and nuts and high fiber foods, and I laughed and the whole table laughed. I said, that's exactly my point. We can't expect every American. To travel around with a little cooler box full of healthy fiber and say that's going to be part of their diet. We live in a fast food society. We need fast food fiber. We need something that's going to be convenient that everybody can take part of that guy. Perfectly proved my point at that table. Of course, he was offended by the whole thing. All right. So let's talk about what fiber does. And of course, what plus fiber does. I'm gonna do this. So a lot of people don't understand what cholesterol is because cholesterol is a molecule, but it's also a complex. So the cholesterol molecule is a little solid, rigid molecule, and it's necessary for life. The cholesterol molecule goes into our cell membranes and gives our cell membrane structure. So our cells can hold themselves together. So cholesterol is necessary for building new cells. But then you have these cholesterol moieties, these cholesterol complexes that are a mixture of fat and cholesterol and all sorts of things that travel around the body. So here you have LDL on the left and HDL on the right. LDL is low density lipoproteins. It's a mixture of fat and cholesterol. is to transport fat and cholesterol around the body where it can be used for making new cells and the fat can be used for energy. Now the problem with LDL is it's low density, it's big, it's spongy, and it's got apolipoprotein B around the outside which is sticky, it's really sticky, and so over time LDL cholesterol, if you have a lot of it, can stick to the walls of your blood vessels and actually modify. those walls of blood vessels and be pulled in and cause eventually blockages, fatty plaques, ather and arteriosclerosis and increased risk for heart disease over time. As the cholesterol gets used, the fact gets used in the LDL cholesterol, it gets smaller and tighter. and less sticky and it becomes HDL, high density lipoproteins. The job of high density lipoproteins is to drag what's left of the fat and cholesterol back to the liver where it gets recycled. So the important thing is not about how high your total cholesterol is, it's the ratio between your LDL and your HDL. You should have as much HDL as possible. So you look at what you call your risk ratio, it's your total cholesterol divided by your HDL total cholesterol divided by your HDL. It should be less than 4.8. The lower it is, the better. So I've seen people came to me and said, my doctor said I have to be on a statin drug. I have to take this cholesterol lowering medicine because my LDL is over a hundred, it's 120. But I looked and saw that their HDL was 60. Okay, so their risk ratio was actually 3, 180 divided by 60. So the risk ratio was much less than 4. 8. They certainly didn't need to be on a cholesterol lowering medication. That they actually had a healthy ratio. So therefore, it did not need to be on a, on modifying medication. Now, let me talk just a little bit about I'll go back, please say, let me, how do I stop sharing? Oh, I got it. Yeah. Let me talk about statin drugs for a minute. So what statin drugs do is they block an enzyme in the liver called HMG CoE reductase. And that's an enzyme that actually builds new cholesterol in the liver. And so you're stopping that. That's a natural metabolic process. Anytime a medication stops a natural metabolic process, it upsets the body. It really upsets it. And so the liver is trying to make cholesterol. You're blocking that action. So always everybody who's on a statin drug is going to have elevated liver enzymes and liver issues over time. That's one of the reasons that you constantly go to the physician if you're on a statin drug to get blood tests to look for elevated liver enzymes. Okay. Additionally, Think about this. You're blocking an enzyme. You only have so much of that enzyme. So say your cholesterol isn't coming down enough, the doctor then doubles your statin drug. Every time you double a statin drug, you raise the risk of side effects eightfold. It's a four times example. You're getting more and more of that drug, but you only have so much of that enzyme to block. So now you have so much of this drug that's causing side effects and there's no more enzyme to block. You're not going to get more benefit. So I'm not a fan of statin drugs at all, but at least you're going to take it, take a low dose statin drug, which has low risk of side effects. As a pharmaceutical biochemist just carrying that further, is there such a thing as a drug that does not block a normal chemical pathway? Yeah, sure. Certainly. Yeah. Because there are drugs that treat aberrations. So there, you might have a genetic problem where you have a hyperimmune response. That's not a normal metabolic process that a drug will then block. Okay. But essentially they normal processes or abnormal processes. They block. That, that's a trick. The trick is to try to identify a disease process. That's not a natural process. And if the drug blocks that. Then it's not interfering with normal metabolism. And that's the goal now in cancer therapy. What is different about a cancer cell that is not in a normal cell and block that. And so like glevec was the first drug that targeted cancer that didn't target healthy tissue. So there's other drugs out there now that are looking and especially there's a Car T and there's immune therapy where they look at things that are specific to your cancer. That are different than your normal cells and target that. And so that's the Holy grail now of medicine is let's not just interfere with metabolic processes. Let's find things specific to disease. Okay, but it's a good question. So the other thing about HMG co reductase is that's a busy little enzyme. It doesn't just make cholesterol. It's in the the downstream cascade of many other compounds, 40 other compounds. One of those compounds is mevalonic acid. Mevalonic acid actually holds all your muscles together. So one of the things that happens in statin drugs is they say, do you have muscle pain or muscle aches? If so, tell your doctor right away. Cause that's a serious side effect. What happens is your muscles start to fall apart. And if it happens quickly, that's a condition called rapid rhabdomyolysis, which is a fatal condition. People remember back in the late nineties at maybe around 2000, the Bayer drug, Baycol, Cerevastatin was pulled off the market cause it killed 32 people. And they died of rapid rhabdomyolysis. Their muscles fell apart and their muscle cells actually blocked their blood supply, choked off their blood supply. It was like having a heart attack and a stroke all at once, and it was caused by their own muscle cells. It's, yeah, a horrible, painful way to die. And it's from taking a drug that's supposed to reduce your risk for heart attack or stroke. So yeah, so it's not a good thing. But all that being said. You're really not supposed to go on a statin drug right away. In fact, there's something called the National Cholesterol Education Program. I'm going to show you this. Okay, so in the National Cholesterol Education Program, they recommend what they call TLC diet, Therapeutic Lifestyle Change, and they recommend 20 to 30 grams of fiber a day as part of that, which of course no Americans are getting. So once your doctor finds out that you have high cholesterol before they, they prescribe a potentially dangerous statin drug, this is what they're supposed to do for 90 days. They're supposed to put you on a dietary on a, I'm sorry, on a therapeutic lifestyle change diet. And then. Here's what you do. So visit one, begin lifestyle therapies, six weeks later visit two. Now at this point, even with a higher fiber diet, if you haven't reached your goal, one of the things you're supposed to do is increase fiber intake. You're supposed to increase that fiber. And then six weeks later, if you still don't get the results you want, then you can consider adding drug therapy, like a statin drug. Okay, so this is really important. That's 12 weeks, 12 weeks. The doctor's supposed to give you 12 weeks, three months on therapy, lifestyle change, and increased fiber in your diet before giving you a statin drug. And I can tell you, most doctors do not do that. Most doctors see a high cholesterol right away. statin. And I already talked about this to go to the healthy fiber. You should be eating seven heads of lettuce, 14 apples, 22 bananas, or 35 carrots. to get to that healthy up to 30 grams a day. So this is the plus fiber. I talked about fiber saw. Let's see what do I have? I talk about the mechanisms. So we use fiberless, which fiber saw to is a digestion resistant maltodextrin. It is from corn, and people get concerned about that. It's the fiber from corn. So if someone has a problem with corn, they're not going to have a problem with this. And for some reason, everyone thinks that the second you say corn, it's like corn syrup. It's not corn syrup. It's corn fiber. It's healthy fiber, digestion resistant maltodextrin, that gives you that nice bile acid sequestration. It gives you that gel fiber matrix. Guar gum is interesting. Guar gum is also a soluble fiber. And guar gum's been used for over 100 years. It lost favor in the 70s because it was used in diet pills. People took pills that had guar gum in it. And guar gum absorbs water so well and swells up to 40 times its size. And so people were taking these capsules and get stuck in their throat and actually cause esophageal blockages, which can be really dangerous. So Guar gum diet pills were actually outlawed in the mid 70s, but guar gum is used as a thickening agent. It's in salad dressings. It's in it's in toothpaste. It's in ice cream. It's used in a lot of things, but it really helps make that gel fiber matrix in the gut with this product. And then old fiber, we talked about carrier fiber, apple fiber. Inulin is from chicory. It's, it actually is a prebiotic. It feeds healthy bacteria. And I'll talk a little bit about that. And then bicarbonate is really important because it gives that bubbles and makes that gel fiber matrix even bigger. And then, of course, we put my zeolite in it, micronized activated zeolite detoxilite. Is the bicarbonate, is it just a Stirred in as an ingredient and stirred around there, or is it actually somehow bound physically encapsulated oh, it's just an ingredient mixed into the fiber. So it's an ingredient in there at a low amount, but enough to actually Cause that benefit. So I already talked about this, how bilases are created in the liver. They go into the intestinal tract to break down your food. And they attach to your food and break down your food. But when they attach to the gel fiber matrix, they get stuck. And by getting stuck, they pull out the gel fibrillation pulls those bile acids, bile salts out of your body. And that's a process known as bile acid sequestration. Now there are bile acid sequestrants, even prescription bile acid sequestrants, which are given to high cholesterol patients. And our stuff tastes better. It doesn't cause stomach upset. And it's easier to take than any of those products. Yeah, it's interesting, too. So secondary does also lower triglycerides because of production of short chain fatty acids. So we've seen this clinically lowering cholesterol and lowering triglycerides. I already talked about this as well. that by binding to your food, it delays gastric emptying. So that lowers post perennial blood sugar and lowers fasting blood sugar and lowers HbA1c. So especially if you have a diabetic and you're introducing this product to them the first time, have them take it before dinner. This is important. If they take it 10 to 15 minutes before dinner, right away, they're going to lower that post parental hyperglycemia, and the next morning when they test their blood sugar levels, it's going to be lower. So this gives them an immediate benefit that they can measure. Okay. And they're going to say, Oh, your fiber is fantastic. Right away I had a lower fasting blood sugar level. So anytime you're dealing with a diabetic, taking the fiber, having to take it just before dinner the night before. Now, if you're going to do that Let's say you forgot and you're having your dinner and you think, Oh, shucks. I forgot to take the fiber before. There's no harm in going ahead and having that right. Then it's still in there at the same time. So it'll still be beneficial. Timing's important. So I talk about this. It is healthy fiber. You can take this anytime. It's like the healthiest bowl of cereal you ever ate. You can use it several times a day, anytime you want it's food, but to get the most benefit from the product. You want to take it 10 to 15 minutes before a meal. And if you're using it twice a day, 10 to 15 minutes before the two biggest meals of the day. And the reason for that is when you first take the fiber, it's going to hit your stomach and it's going to form that gel fiber matrix. So the first thing is it gives you a nice full feeling in your stomach. So if you're trying to lose weight or control your food intake, you can choose to eat less. So it's a satiety product. So it's really great for weight management because It gives you that nice full feeling, you can choose to eat less. The second thing is, by taking 10 to 15 minutes before your meal, when you eat, the gel fiber matrix is going to move into your intestinal tract at the same time as your food. And that's where you're going to get all that benefit of cholesterol reduction, lower postprandial hyperglycemia, all those other benefits, besides just digestive motility. So the best way to take this is 10 to 15 minutes before a meal. Okay, so we had clinical evidence on this because remember that this formulation is based on the product that we had 20 years ago and we did this study with the Cleveland Clinic and we've done everything we wanted to say. Lowering postpartum hyperglycemia. lowering fasting blood sugar, lowering cholesterol LDL cholesterol, lowering HbA1c, lowering blood pressure, reducing body weight, lowering triglycerides, and raising HDL, the good cholesterol. Everything we wanted to see here we saw in this study. And it was easy to take. People said it was delicious. It didn't interfere with their lifestyle. So it was of course, none of the side effects that people saw with taking cholesterol lowering medications. I just actually said this greatest benefit is taking about 15 minutes before a meal. That gives you all of these benefits, binding to bile salts and bile acids, lowering postpartum hyperglycemia. And then let me say a little bit about the inulin because this is vital. I can't tell you how many people say, Rick, I can't take fiber, even if it's a brand muffin and I get all bloaty and gassy and I'm flatulent and everybody wants me out of the room, it's not the fibers fault. that you're bloated and gassy. It's actually fermenting bacteria in your gut. That bacteria eats the fiber and produces gas as a side product. So you really that's an indication of dysbiosis and imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. What England does is it feeds the good bacteria which helps defeat the bad bacteria. So it doesn't happen the first time you take it. You got to take it for a while, but it's going to help reset that gut bio and you're going to feel better and better. And you're going to be able to eat all fiber after that without gassiness or bloating. Wait a second. So I had questions I want to see. 1 of the things I think is fascinating is you are what you eat, but you are what you eat eats. So be careful, factory cows versus grass fed meat and things like that. But I think it's a fascinating idea that you could look at fiber by definition. We don't really digest and get energy from. The fiber itself but we're eating for our bugs and those friendly bugs down there. Yes, feed them. They're going to go away. And we have this whole bouquet of all these different species that do different things and make different things for us. And if we're not feeding them properly. And so I look at plus fiber as just specially designed to feed the right kind of bugs and start off the bad kind of bugs and just Give us an optimum biome, and that's just you got really good. That's exactly right. And the other thing too people who are on antibiotics. One of the problems with antibiotics is it doesn't differentiate good and bad bacteria. So you're taking an antibiotic because you have an infection, you're killing off the bad bacteria, but in every single case, you're also killing off healthy bacteria, good flora and fauna. And this is one of the reasons that almost all in all cases when women are on antibiotics, they wind up with a vaginal yeast infection. after the antibiotics because normally that yeast is eaten by good bacteria and now you've killed off that bacteria so the yeast can overgrow the area. And so especially if you've ever been on antibiotics, if you're taking antibiotics, you have to take something like the plus fiber to try and regulate that biome, get that back. And of course, I highly recommend a decent probiotic. So if you, so something we don't have yet. But I'd like a beanie to have a decent probiotic sometime in the future. I would say also if perhaps if you take this and it really bothers you, that probably is an indication that you need it all the more because of dysbiosis. And as you correct this, it's going to stir things up a little bit. But if you go through there, you're going to. Hit a whole new level of health. I just, I think the more this messes you up, it means the more you need it. Now we do have the fiber. It's in a canister. This is how we launched it. It's canister with a scoop, long handle scoop. So you can reach the bottom. I love this long handle scoop, but we launched really recently the packets. And what I love about the packets is they're really convenient. Okay. So we have 60 packets in a box. I think they came out great. They look fabulous. Okay. But the good thing about the packets is they're convenient. You can carry with them. So when you talk about having this 10 to 15 minutes before a meal, it's really easy now because you can have this, bring it to work, have it at lunch, whatever. But not only do you use it for yourself, but these packets are fabulous to share. Let people try it, because anyone says, I take metamucil, I take a fiber, I take Benacol, I take, whatever this is, it tastes good, it's easy to take, and it has so much more benefit than the other fibers. My wife just walked in and she's distracting me. Do you need your fiber? That was great. I took that from our kitchen. All right. But I want to talk about the package. Cause I did a video like this. I know people saw it, but you really, you need to make a big deal out of this. Okay. So if you're in a restaurant, for example. You want to take this fiber packet out, you would take it out and go, you want people to look over what's that guy doing? Okay. And then people say, how do you tear these? Some people have trouble with them. We purposely didn't put a perforator in here. We put a little edger. So there's an edge there. So all you do is pick like a little tooth in the middle and just rip it straight down and rips right out. It's really easy to rip these things. Okay, and then you want to mix it in 68 ounces of water. So I'm going to mix it. I've never done this on camera before. Now you can put it, you just mix it with a spoon. You can put it in a shaker bottle. I actually like to use my Aveni mixer. So we have our Aveni mixer. It says Aveni health right on it, and you do this, make a whole show of it. What's that guy doing? And then cheers. I can say it's a totally non offensive way to start your day and your meal. Also talk about the mixer because people get annoyed. The mixer, it seems difficult, but I don't know if people know this, that this comes apart, it's really easy to take this apart, you just pull it straight out and this comes off and for storage. So I carry it in my pocket. I have a little pouch for it. When I travel, it's really easy to carry around. And when you need to use the mixer, you just. Put it straight in and you have your mixer. So it's really easy to carry this thing around. So if you don't have one of the mixers, really great. Especially if you're doing what I just did. We're shaking the packet, putting it in like that. People are like, what's that guy doing? What's going on over there. It gives you an opening to that conversation. Why you're taking the fiber, the benefits, how great it's going to be the best fiber ever clinically proven a lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides, raise good cholesterol help with digestive motility. All the good and none of the bad. It's a good conversation starter and change product. Just a little bit. I noticed that plus hydration, the complex car boats that are in those they don't blend really well. If the water is really cold in it, you can almost see a piece of chewing gum on the bottom. And if you do a blender, then that makes a big difference. Yeah, it's actually, I do recommend, so that's the other thing too, is I tell people that our body can absorb cold water. I don't know if you guys know this. So when you eat anything cold, this, one of the jobs of the stomach is thermoregulation. It heats it up before it can be absorbed. So if you drink cold water, it takes longer to absorb cold water than room temperature water or warm water. Because the body is 98 degrees. It doesn't want to absorb things less than 98 degrees. So it's got to heat it up first. So the. Plus, the hydration is meant to be mixed with at least room temperature water. If it's cold water, it's gonna be harder to mix. But certainly you're right. If you're using the zapper, then it mixes really easily. It zaps easily. So all these things mix better with the zapper, the trim science, the hydration and the fiber. All right. And any other thoughts on the plus fiber? I noticed it has the zeolite in it. Is that the same fiber? Like if somebody says I'm taking plus fiber, so I don't need to take the cell defender anymore. So that's a good question. So all of our products contain the zeolite except for the nano silver and the plus relief. Okay, so all the products contain some version of the detoxalite. Now, the only products that have the truly fully micronized activated detoxalite are the CellDefender and the CellDefender for pets. All right, there you go. All the rest have what we call first pass. It's not as micronized. Whereas the cell defender and the cell defender for pets are all submicron particles, all the way down to about 349 nanometers the average particle size for the other products is two to five microns. nanometers. Now that's certainly enough where some of it is going to be absorbed, but most of the benefit is going to be digestive in nature. So if you're taking this immunity, or you're taking the hydration, or you're taking the fiber, you are getting some of the zeolite. It's helping with deep digestive detoxification. You're getting some absorption, but it's no replacement for the cell defender. And I think that would offer also a good explanation is why people buy inferior brands of, of clenoptilolide and they think I'm getting benefit. They are as an intestinal cleanser, but not as a systemic cleanser. Yeah, but I'd argue that our stuff is still activated also. So they're getting a lot more benefit even in the bigger stuff than they are in the smaller stuff. And there's a reason for that. The fact is if you've seen fully micronized what we call second pass micronized zeolite, it is so fine. It's actually hard to work with. It's such a super fine powder. Once you open it up, if there's any air circulation, it just goes poof and it's all gone in the air. It's like a super fine talc and it is very hard to work with. We have to keep it completely sealed and closed until we add it to the ultra purified water that we use to make the cell defender. So this stuff is going in capsules or in powders. We would literally, if we use the super micronized stuff, we'd lose over half of it every time we made product, because it would just go up in the air and be gone. So we use the slightly bigger stuff, the two to five micron stuff, which is still a super fine powder, and anything under five micron can be absorbed from the digestive tract. Anything under two microns is always absorbed from the digestive tract. So you do get some absorption, but like I said, most of that function is for digestive cleansing. Bless you. Fiber. We've covered a lot. Has anybody got any questions? I guess we could do something. What's in the Q and a let's see. Can I mix the fiber with our trim science? Absolutely. You can mix the fiber with anything. Like I said, if you do it still the best time to take his 10 to 15 minutes before a meal, but my wife just took her fiber. She mixes her fiber with trim science every day. And she that's her morning and then the fiber she takes in the afternoon. She actually mixes it in like a veggie shake. So she she has like a smoothie and she adds it to a smoothie, but you can cook with the fiber. You can add it to food. Like I said, it's like the healthiest bowl of cereal you ever had. You can add all sorts of things but the best time to take it regardless is 10 to 15 minutes before a meal. And then someone said a friend who was about to get all the mercury in her teeth removed, assuming cell development can help you explain the process. All right. I try to tell people for the most part, if you have dental amalgams that contain mercury, it's actually more dangerous to remove them than to leave them where they are until they fail, and then they can be properly taken out and replaced. The problem is that in the process of removing those dental amalgams, they use high speed drills, which can actually make the mercury vaporous. So you get mercury vapor, which is really dangerous. There are dentists that know how to do this. They use vacuums, they use all sorts of suction to suck up that mercury vapor as you're taking it out. So if you are getting the mercury removed, make sure you're using a dentist that knows what they're doing, okay? At that point, of course, you're going to use a cell defender because any mercury you do absorb the cell defender, if you're constantly using the cell defender, you can actually remove that mercury from solution before it can sequester. And that's the trick. How fast can I get this stuff out so it's not going into tissue sequestering for the long run and increasing my body burden? That's really the process. Just make sure the dentist knows what they're doing. Okay? And someone says, is it okay to take supplements that are plus fiber? Absolutely. You can, in fact, that's what I do in the morning. I take my fiber. I take, I have my I take my mind and vision and my Immunity, where's my cardio? I think my wife took my plus cardio. But I take all those in the morning with my fiber. So yes, you can certainly take your supplements with the plus fiber. Add plus hydration to this video. That's chip. I I don't have a lot. I got 10 minutes left. I can talk about the plus hydration really quickly. And then someone says Vini products help with the person's nerve damage in both legs. It certainly depends on the cause of the nerve damage, especially if it's diabetic. We, we've already talked about helping with diabetes with the plus fiber, but the plus relief is wonderful. The plus relief is a neuro modulator and modulate signals to the nerves actually helps heal nerves and is anti inflammatory. So if someone has nerve damage, it should be on the plus relief oral spray and take it consistently. I've heard numerous calls not to mix trim science and fiber. Yeah, no, I don't know why. I've never said you can't mix the trim science with the fiber. You absolutely can mix the trim science with the fiber. In fact, there's a little bit of guar gum in the trim science, just in the binding agent. And people remember when we first launched trim science, it was clumpy. That's because we put too much guar gum in. We've actually lowered that significantly. So it mixes better. But yeah, you can certainly mix the trim science and the fiber. Just to talk about Gorgum I've got a bottle of it. I've used it for years. As an example cooking I don't like just runny stuff, but that's where a lot of the flavor is. And so I'll just tilt the pan and all the juices running there and I'll sprinkle our guar gum on it and it's not very much, but you stir that up and all of a sudden it thickens and just makes a nice sauce instead of just runny stuff, and then you can let that over the rest of the food. Guar gums use a thickening agent, ice cream and salad dressings and a bunch of stuff, cause it's a nice, healthy thickener. Then someone says, could taking a cell defender prevent that trip to the dentist? No, it won't because you have dental amalgams, you have pieces of metal in your mouth, the cell defender is not going to rip out that mercury and take it out of the body implants and stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah. Cell defender has no chemical mechanism of action. It's not going to rip metals off of amalgams or it's not going to rip metals off of implants. All it does is passively go around the blood in the limb. And when it comes into contact with a free metal or free volatile organic that it has an affinity for, it's going to trap that and remove it from the body. But there's no chemical mechanism of action. It's entirely a physical mechanism. All right. Okay. Chip asked me to talk about plus hydration. I'll talk about plus hydration. Okay, so the plus hydration is it's actually from work we did in sports nutrition. I did back in 1998. We wanted to make a high end line of dietary supplements for sports. And one of the things we concentrated on pre workout, dorm workout, after workout, and then rest recovery. And pre workout, we had a product called Power Generation, which gave you focus and energy. We had a carb explosion. It gave you a few hours of energy to get through your workout, but during workout, it was all about hydration. How can you stay hydrated throughout your workout? And we looked at this concept of sports, nutrition and and and sports drinks. All sports drinks are basically the same. They have multiple steps. The first step is they have the electrolytes in and the electrolytes do two things. The first thing is, because they taste salty, when you drink them, it doesn't quench your thirst. You're still thirsty. And that's important because if you just drink water, you can drink just a little bit of water, quench your thirst, and you stop drinking water, and you're not rehydrated. You have not taken in enough water. So by staying thirsty, you're continuing to drink, you're continuing to hydrate. The second thing is that, Electrolytes help your body hold on to the water. If you just drink water without the electrolytes, right away, if you're out there and thirsty and working out and doing whatever and you just drink water, right away you start to sweat and you have to go to the bathroom. Your body is flushing through that water. Electrolytes are charged particles, positively charged particles. Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium. Those charged particles, positive charges, repel each other. They're light charges. They repel. So if you have all those light charges in your blood vessel, your blood is trying to keep them apart. They're trying to repel. And what the, what that happened, what happens because of that is your blood has to hold more fluid. It's volumizing your blood. And so that water has to stay in the bloodstream, separate those electrolytes. So it's a really elegant way to hold on to the water. So you're not sweating, you're not running to the bathroom, you're holding onto the water. The next step in sports drinks is carbohydrates. If you're physically active, you're using the muscle glycogen, the energy that's stored in your muscle, and that needs to be replenished. Your glycogen depleted. And so the muscles are what they call carb starved. They're looking for carbohydrates. So as carbs go into the muscles and since carbohydrates are water attracting, they'll drag the water from your bloodstream into the muscles and rehydrate those muscles. That's the way pretty much all sports drinks work. One thing that a lot of the sports drinks ignore is this concept of osmolality. Osmolality is measure of solid particles in a liquid. And I think I have a slide. Let me see. Cause the slides I have here. Hold on a second. Wrong, wrong set. Okay. I wasn't ready to talk about that. So I don't have the right slide. Osmai is a measure of solid particles in a liquid and water will always flow from areas of low osmai to areas of higher osmai to separate those particles. Now it doesn't matter the size of the particles. It's the number of particles. So what we do is we trick the body by using longer chain maltodextrins. So we use a long chain carbohydrate and some short chain carbohydrates. And what that does is reduce the osmolality of the solution. And so when you drink the plus hydration, water will go right from the digestive tract into the bloodstream. It'll set go quickly. And it's a cool feeling when you do this and I tell people go out, get hot, get tired, get thirsty, drinking Gatorade. You're going to feel that Gatorade hit your stomach. It's going to feel like a ton of bricks in your stomach and eventually get absorbed. Do the same thing and take the plus hydration. You never feel it hit your stomach. It feels like your body took a drink. It's like this. You feel like an expansion of your body when you drink it. It's a really cool feeling if you haven't had that feeling, if you haven't done that. And it's because everything gets absorbed so well, so quickly because of the low osmolality. Now I'll address some issues. We use the mixed maltodextrin, which is just the fiber and it is corn derived, but it's not corn syrup. It's not corn sugar. It's mixed maltodextrin, which is a starch. It's a long chain starch that allow the replenishment of muscle glycogen. We also use fructose. Now fructose is a simple sugar that helps spike this reaction, but we do not have an enzyme in our gut that breaks down fructose. Fructose is fruit sugars, the sugar you get from most fruits. And it's entirely metabolized in the liver. So it takes a long time to metabolize fructose. So it's low glycemic. It doesn't spike your blood sugar levels. So that's one of the reasons we chose it. And it's usually chosen in sports drinks. Now, when you look at the the packaging, you're going to see it says 25 grams of sugar, which sounds terrible. It's not really 25 grams of sugar. It's 25 grams of the carbs that make up the fructose and the mixed maltodextrins. But we have to categorize that through something basically called proximate analysis. When you separate out carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, You have to categorize those carbohydrates as sugar. And so that's why it says 25 grams sugar. It's not truly 25 grams of sugar. It's a misnomer. It's just something we have to put on the labels. It's low glycemic and it shouldn't affect your blood sugar levels, especially if you use it when you're physically active. So the best time to use the plus hydration is exactly that. When you're physically active, when you're thirsty, when you're working out when you're hiking or running or doing whatever, that is the best time to use it. But if you're not like that, if you're sedentary and you still want to get those extra electrolytes to rehydrate, then you can certainly use a plus hydration. You just don't use a lot of it. Don't use it 20 times a day. I also recommend using it at night. So especially if you're sedentary. People experience things like night shakes or leg tremors or restless leg syndrome. All of that is actually caused by dehydration. Even headaches at night or headaches first thing in the morning are actually dehydration. So if you take the plus hydration before bed at night restless leg syndrome goes away. There's night headaches go away. You better thermoregulate. So if you're someone that has problems, me regulating their blood body temperature, especially at night, this will help. So that's actually the best way to take it. Paradoxically you might even be less likely to get up to go potty too if you'd take it before you go to bed. Yeah, because even though you're hydrating with high electrolytes, which will hold on to the water, so you're not going to have to run to the bathroom. Let's see, I got some more questions while I was talking. Could taking cell dependent prevent that? No, let's see. Known for a long time that oat fiber will reduce LDL cholesterol. Is it really LDL enough to avoid taking a statin drug? Listen, it's not just the oat fiber in this case. The Plus fiber lowers cholesterol dramatically and raises HDL. So the difference is not just lowering LDL. It's about getting that ratio improved. And we've seen people, even in clinical studies, with a ratio as high as six or seven get down to three or or under three. So yes the fact is Statins are one of the most unnecessary drugs in existence because regardless of taking venous plus fiber or not, simply eating a healthy diet, eating fiber, eating plant sterols and plant stenols will regulate your cholesterol and of course eating a low cholesterol diet. So there's lots and lots of things you can do. to not have to take a statin drug. And if you do have to take a statin drug, especially if you have acute, say you have a ratio of over six, then I would recommend a low dose statin drug for a period of time until you get that risk ratio down below four, and then wean off that statin drug. Because that's the other problem too, is you can't just stop taking a statin drug. If you simply go cold turkey, your liver actually overproduces cholesterol. There was a clinical study done in Germany, where the doctors took patients off of statin drugs cold turkey and two of the patients actually died. Those doctors were arrested. They went to jail for running an unethical clinical study. So if you're on a statin drug, you want to get off, you can't just stop taking, you have to wean yourself off over time to prevent liver damage and a liver rebound. Okay 5th, one woman said she wasn't losing weight when mixing plus fiber shrimp science together when she said breathing by at least 15 minutes she started losing weight. It really depends on the individual. One of the mechanisms of the trim signs is satiety. So she probably felt that by separating them, it actually satisfied that satiety. So she better controlled her diet. Chemically, there's really no reason to separate them. You should get the same benefit, but everybody's an individual. People are going to find that there's better ways for them to take the products. Someone says, can I briefly say how to take cell defender? There's no way to briefly talk about the cell defender. Defender. Listen, I recommend everyone take, start with 10 drops four times a day. That's what we call the detox dose that'll help clear you out, drink plenty of water while you're doing that. And then do that at least for the first month. And then the average person can drop down to 10 drops twice a day. That's the maintenance dose. And then every six to 12 months, You want to go up to the detox dose again to clear out toxins that have now come out of sequestration. That's how I recommend everyone to take it if you're generally healthy and you're trying to detox. Of course, if you have a medical condition, if you know that you work in a highly toxic environment or you've been exposed to toxins, you can always take a higher dose. I don't recommend taking more than 15 drops at a time because it's passively absorbed and you absorb less and by as a function of percent. So lower doses more often is the best way to take it. I try not to tell people take it every hour, whatever, be only because. People are not compliant. If you try to tell someone to take something every hour, they're going to miss hours all the time. So the best thing to do is just carry it around, have it in your pocket. Whenever you think about it, take it out and take some drops. If you can take a few drops all the time, that's a really great way to take the product. More lower doses more often. Let's see. I have a friend with pain from tip to toes. Is there a technique to jumpstart the process? And the best effect is to get the ball rolling. We say tip to toe. Is it? Is it like diabetic neuropathy? Because anyone can use both the plus relief oral spray and the topical gel. You can use those together. The only risk is that the product can cause mild dehydration. So you want to make sure you're drinking plenty of water. But anyone with, say, diabetic neuropathy, you would take the oral spray and you'd run the topical gel on those areas. They're specific for pain, like the hands and feet. And that would be great. You can start with a higher dose. The body has to get used to the plus relief. So 5, 6, even 10 sprays, 4, 5, 6 times a day to start. And then you can lower that over time because one of the coolest things about the plus relief is that the body grows more sensitive to it over time. So as you get benefit, you can reduce the dose and get the same benefit. My friends here to take 15 drops. He's doing that once a no, that's a bad idea. Deanna. The problem is that zeolite does not stay in the body. It goes to the body and then you expel it. Usually in 4 to 6 hours, depending on your diet, how much you drink and how often you go to the bathroom. So taking 15 drops once a day is not a really effective way to take it. You want to try to take it throughout the day. So at least twice a day, if he's doing 15 drops twice a day, 10 to 15 drops twice a day, that's something. But I, like I said, I recommend 10 drops four times a day to start as a detox dose. So think breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime, if you're trying to spread it out. But 15 drops once a day is an inefficient way to take it. We explain why when I plus fiber trims, I separate, I lose weight and keep my weight. I just talked about that. So some of the components of the trim science or satiety components that might overlap with the fiber. So you're getting a little better benefit when you separate them. But like I said, everybody's an individual. Chemically, there's really no reason to separate them, but for you, that works. If that works better for you, then that's the way you should take it. For cyclists are willing to take plus hydration, how should they take it? Cyclists drink water while they're cycling, so they should have it in their water bottle. That would be the best way for them to take it. So they're hydrating as you're cycling and they're going to find out that water gets right into their muscle. They're actually going to have improved performance. Accurate to say that the sugars act like fiber. Okay. You said head to toe paid. Blair, you got to think what's causing the pain. There's an underlying condition. If it's diabetes, make sure we're dealing with the diabetes. If it's traumatic pain, deal with the traumatic pain. If it's fibromyalgia. Let's talk about dealing with fibromyalgia. So I don't like to treat symptoms. I like to treat underlying conditions. So once someone says they're in pain, what is the cause of that pain? Regardless, the plus relief will help. So taking the plus relief oral spray will deal with systemic pain. We have clinical evidence that goes into the brain and affects the parafascicular nucleus in the brain where pain is processed. So that's your word of the day. Parafascicular. So the paraphysic, paraphysicular nucleus is affected directly by the plus relief. So it will work in everybody's pain, they just have to be consistent in the way they take it. Any chance we can get a larger bottle of cell defender when people are using the Marci dose would be great to have a larger bottle. That's a Neil question, he decides stuff like that. But yeah, we could talk about that. Getting a large amount of the cell defender or a multi pack that makes more sense. We've learned our lesson. The first silver we launched was a four ounce bottle. We got yelled at because people couldn't take it on the airplane. And it had to be 3. 4 ounce or less. So we're making sure that everything we have is 3. 4 ounce or less. So at least you can carry it on the plane with you. Okay. I think I answered all the questions. What time is it? It's time to share a Vini with everyone. Yes, and use your mixer. If you don't have a mixer, get your Vini mixer. And I want to see, I want to go into meetings and I would see everyone going like this. I want you to be a nut job where you're attracting attention because that's it. And then, of course, we made the promise. We're going to move forward with other sample products. We want to have it. Individual package of the Trim Science, individual package of the Plus Relief. These are going to be great products to be able to share. And it's not just about convenience, it's about growing your business and getting other people to try the products. Because when you can hand them, One fiber to try, one hydration to try, one trim science to try. That's a huge benefit in trying to grow your business and share the products. I sure appreciate you. Thank you so much for coming on. As always, thanks for having me. Oh, so is it true that being cell dependent can help with atomic radiation by the accident regarding the heavy metal uranium? Okay. We talk about atomic radiation. So all radiation by definition is atomic. Okay, so it's atoms giving off excess mass or gamma radiation. We did a study in depleted uranium. So people don't know depleted uranium. It's one of the waste products from nuclear reactors. It's just very heavy uranium. And it's one of the most dense substances on the planet. So for its size, like this much depleted uranium is the same weight as like a room full of lead. It's so heavy. And so the army said, what can we do with that? Hey, let's add it to bombs. It's so heavy, it's going to make the bombs heavier. So they use depleted uranium. Pretty much all bombs that are used all ordnance is used in a war zone. So if you know anybody that's anywhere where a bomb has exploded, they have been exposed to depleted uranium, which is highly carcinogenic. Cancer causing and so we did a study just to see if the zeolite had affinity for the depleted uranium. It does. It sucks it up really well. And so if you know anyone that's a returning soldier returning from a war zone, they definitely need to be on the cell defender. It's going to greatly help them get that depleted uranium out, reduce your risk for cancer from that depleted uranium and the munition that took out that tank. When it hit that, it made just nanoparticles of uranium that the jet stream took over and brought over and around the world. So everybody, everyone's exposed, but the most that the heaviest exposure is if you're anywhere that bombs went off, we saw that in Puerto Rico. We were doing bomb testing and in Puerto Rico and all these guys are getting cancer. It was for the depleted uranium for the bombs, so definitely something they have to use. So someone says the avenium mixtures are out of stock. I saw a big box of them in the back. So if they're telling you it's out of stock, it's a website issue. And I'll correct that on Monday. Because we have a lot of these mixers. Okay. I always go back there and steal shirts. All right. I've answered all the questions. Guys have a great weekend that as always, thanks for having me. I don't know the next call I'm going to be on. I am getting ready for the Portland vision tour is coming up. So anyone that knows anyone in the Pacific Northwest, anyone that can get out to the Portland meeting we will be doing a vision tour in Portland. If you need more information on it, go to a Vini events. Is that it? Events. com right? Yeah. Go to Vini events. com. But we're doing Portland in September. We're doing Richmond, Virginia in in October. And then Boca Raton is November. So I know a lot of people coming to Boca. Not only is it going to be a great meeting in Boca, but you can sign up and take tours of the facility. See our 18, 504 square foot facility. See how we make products, how we store products, how we ship products. It can be really exciting. If anyone has the wherewithal to get to Boca, you should try to make it there. Thanks so much. Okay. Thank you, everyone. Have a great weekend. Bye now.